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Hello and welcome,


Do you realise that you are a reflection of the cosmos?


Do you realise that all the processes that happen in the cosmos also can happen in you?


Do you realise that within the earth upon which we stand, hidden deep in its veins there are fragments of Gold!


Some believe it is made by processes in the earth. Some say that the gold came to us from neutron stars, but what is important to remember is any process in nature any cosmic event can happen inside you at a smaller scale. Just know pressure fuses Gold!


Do you realise that with the knowledge of Alchemy you can also create a type of gold that is far far more rare and precious than any found in the earth or in supernovas. The Gold we speak of is an eternal conscious soul. Infused with the highest quality’s of the Divine Light.


Do you realise this Sacred Art passed down from master to initiate in secret was punishable by death if spoke of. For the secret of eternal life was only kept for the highest of initiates.


Do you know that in our era the Avatar Samuel Aun Weor incarnated and freely gave the secret keys of Alchemy to this suffering humanity, for those who have the ears  to hear they may enjoy this Sacred Art and travel the universe in bodies of light?


Do you know what is light?

Do you know what is magnetism ?

Do you know the inner constitution of the a true magician ?

Do you know yourself?

Do you know what you are actually capable of achieving within your human body?


What you will find here is not another type of spiritualism or cult or religion.

What you will find here is a scientific path to liberation.


When we say liberation what do we mean? 

Liberation is to create internal bodies that are not touched by the exterior laws of nature we abide in.

To create bodies that transcend  human concepts like borders, nationalities, religions, time and space. Conscious bodies that may break free of the "axioms of Euclid". 


Learn how to ascend into higher dimensions,  a living reality to be experienced directly - Gnosis.


There is no need to believe in grey theories that do not make light. Only when you know how to make light will you be able to know the Son of man in yourself. And only then will you know yourself truly.


"All theory is grey, my friend. But forever green is the tree of life." 

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Many souls are scared of letting go of old habits but from death comes the new life, from the mud of the earth comes untarnished Gold.


Explore this site, read the secrets that was punishable by death that are now unveiled thanks to the Avatar of Aquarius.


In this site you can find explanations of the old artwork that for centuries hid the secret arcanum A.Z.F now written plainly.


 We expose the ancient hidden art of transmutation, you will also find information discovered recently that also elaborates mother natures secrets such as the exploration of light and magnetic fields.


But do not take too long to understand the ultimate clue.


Gold is born though a sexual union. The connection of the lingam yoni without the spasm gives a heat to the earth (human body) and in this sacred heat the son of man will be born, and life eternal will become your living reality.



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