"Magnet" derived from Sanskrit root word "Mahaji" (Maha = Great - Jhagati = Wisdom)
What is Light?
What is Matter?
What holds up the volume of the universe ?
Are they not all "ONE" and the same "Thing"?
Many masters have stated that "ALL is One"
Then this must mean that all these "things" must already be "Unified"
It is only the irrational humanoid and the modern science that searches continuously for a " Unified theory of everything"
But to us a "Theory" is useless, when it is obvious to the spiritual eye / heart, that mother nature has no "Duality's" She has no contradictions. Therefore Light - Matter - Gravity ect are all "One and the same" They are simply just different expressions of the "One field modality"
The same as Ice is the same substance as Water or Steam.
Only an ignorant child (the modern scientist) would mistake that they are different things! But Wisdom teaches us they are all states of one substance called H2O.
By a "jump" of what is known as "esoteric logic" or by using it as a parable as the Master Jesus used to teach higher principles of nature, you can see that even the most complex structures in the universe were created from a type of universal water. And this "water" is actually Semen. The Prima Materia Of the Alchemists.
(Universe = ONE SONG - Uni = ONE - Verse = song)
(SEX = a combination of positive expression and negative expression giving rise to a third force.
Father - Mother - Son
Positive - Negative - Neutral
Fire - Water - Air)
The substance that elaborates the energy into form is Semen. The true waters of life.
Semen is esoterically know as HYDROGEN Si-12
Everything in the universe including our psychology can be Understood as simply more and more complex forms of Hydrogen / The most simple atomic building block.
(Under = SUB - Stood = Stance - Understood / substance )
For the Kabbalists reading this you will recognise the word Understanding is attributed to the Sephirot Binah ,The Holy Spirit or great ocean.
But it is not only the "outer bodies" our physical body, trees flowers, stars and planets ect.
that are engendered this way via the development of Hydrogens. But it is also the "Inner" spiritual bodies, the bodies our "Psyche" lives within are also "Born from these waters"
You may listen to the words of Master G here about these bodies
This is why the Master Jesus said
""Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit."
The Kingdom of God are the internal bodies of the universe, the Astral Mental Causal and spiritual planes, and to enter them we must have the correct bodies to do so. These bodies can be made in Alchemy, we can make the golden wedding garment and sit at the table.
The Parable of the Banquet
…11 But when the king came in to see the guests, he spotted a man who was not dressed in wedding clothes. (he had not been reborn with alchemical bodies) 12 ‘Friend, he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes? But the man was speechless. (did not have the WORD incarnated) 13 Then the king told the servants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’…
The outer darkness is the world of the 5 senses, but with Alchemy we can develop the inner 7 senses that allow us to enter the kingdom / to become conscious citizens of the internal worlds of nature​.
By studying the outer laws of Electricity and Magnetism and the unified field modality / The ice and water and steam of the force that surrounds and permeates us, we can learn a tremendous amount about how the universe is electro magnetic in nature.
By again applying esoteric jumps of intuition, you can see scientifically why the teachings of Alchemical Gnosis, or the transubstantiation of matter into light and light into matter is not only plausible but is a fact! and the statement by Hermes on the emerald tables become crystal clear to read without misinterpretation.
True, without error, certain and most true: that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, to perform the miracles of the One Thing. (The unified field)
And as all things were from One, by the meditation of One, so from this One Thing come all things by adaptation. (modalities / waves in the substance ) Its father is the Sun, (positive force) its mother is the Moon, (negative force) the wind (air / spirit son) carried it in its belly, the nurse thereof is the Earth. (earth is the combination of the 3 forces )
It is the father of all perfection and the consummation of the whole world. Its power is integral if it be turned to Earth.
(incarnation of the Son into the Body)
Thou shalt separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the coarse, gently and with much ingenuity. It ascends from Earth to heaven and descends again to Earth, and receives the power of the superiors and the inferiors. (Sexual Alchemy)
Thus thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong fortitude of all fortitude, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. Thus the world was created. Hence are all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner.
Therefore am I called Hermes the Thrice Great, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. That is finished which I have to say concerning the operation of the Sun.
Light (A coaxial circuit / having a common axis.) when in a very high rate of energy in short becomes matter (Hydrogen) and eventually hydrogen esoterically speaking finds equilibrium or equanimity in matter as GOLD
So when we apply the same parallel transmutation to the "human soul" which is also a type of hydrogen, we can see why the Alchemists used the story of creating Gold! (Crystallised Equanimity)
The human soul can indeed become a type of golden light body, and sharing the parallel with physical Gold the soul gains the quality of immortally and a supreme luster which become uncorrodable.
This is the Golden Fleece of ancient mythology.
When this happen to the Alchemist he/she incarnates the "Golden Son" or in Christian terms he incarnates the Christ being and then resurrects into the light of the Father
( The father and the Son are One, in Hebrew it is know as Eben - Ben = SON and means "Stone", and is the stone that the builders rejected in masonic tradition.
What to most people may seam "miraculous and beyond any human reason" is in fact absolutely within reason and perfectly obtainable within the laws of nature. We simply need the crossed keys of Peter to proceed.
So on the next page is a small discourse covering a few topics and ideas that will be of use to you if you wish to understand the scientific nature of Transmutation
the basics are these
Matter is High Energy Light
The process of transmutation follows the law of the octave
(basically certain "shocks" are needed to keep energy moving in a straight line) we will discuss this in depth further on.
By knowing how to first gain the energy and then how to apply the correct shocks to keep its movement straight we use the laws of nature to gain an immortal conscious soul.
The process has been given in upmost detail by the Master Samuel Aun Weor.
If you are serious about the Alchemical work do not waste time, Our futher words are useless and only an attempt to help people find the true path. If your intuition feels what has been said so far to be inline with your heart, go and study the masters words, and begin the alchemical work he has outlined.
There is simply a huge difference between Theory and practice.
But for those who are still unsure and would like to investigate further the fields of light and magnetism, let us continue so as to elaborate the ONE THING of Hermes.
Now we must indeed give credit to the source of our exploration into the Electromagnetic studies, as these are not from the gnostic tradition, but we feel with the right intuition they may be useful for the student in overcoming the rational mind and allowing it to come into conformity with ones spiritual growth.
We give great thanks in particular to a gentleman called Ken Wheeler who we will constantly be quoting and referencing his discoveries.
we explore you that if it is your wish to understand his work in depth, our quick overview will not suffice, and you must spend many countless hours watching his videos on youtube and learning many new words and terminologies so as to understand the depth of what Ken has shared with us all.
Gnosis just like nature is "complete" and actually need nothing else.
But we find that so many do not understand even the basics of the world that surrounds them, so Ken\s work if used as a "parable" for SPIRITUAL light and SPIRITUAL magnetism can be very enlightening.
View of Magnetic field under Ferro Cell
The Keys of Heaven
The crossing of the Sun and the Moon, The sexual Connection between man and woman. The Shiva Lingum of the Hindu tradition.
So we have very briefly spoken of Light and Matter but what is Magnetism ? And how can we use it in analogy to the realisation of ourselves?
On the path we discover a term called "THE MAGNETIC CENTER"
The Master Samuel Aun Weor states
Each of us is characterized by a Magnetic Center. The Magnetic Center of a merchant is in trade, and for this reason they are involved in the marketplace and attract those with whom they have an affinity: buyers and traders. Scientists have in their personality the Magnetic Center of science, consequently attracting all scientific things: books, laboratories, etc. The esotericist has the Magnetic Center of esoterism within. This type of center evolves differently in relation to the personality. Undoubtedly, for this reason transference occurs. When the Magnetic Center is established in the Consciousness, that is, in the Essence, then the complete human begins his return to the stars." - Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion
So we could say that a man who has a center can manifest his True will and a man whos center is moving simply moves from one object to the next aimlessly and has no power.
Before we go into details let us introduce a few principles.
An object has 2 fundamental values ,
its Quantity and its Quality
Before a "Magnet" becomes a Magnet electromagnetic induction it is simply
Iron cobalt. a piece of ceramic material.
So after it is charged a certain way and becomes a magnet, what changes
is the objects QUALITY but its quantity does not change at all, it does not gain Mass
But now it has a new quality of magnetism which before it did not have.
Before it was magnetised all of the atoms that made up the Iron were all in a state of INCOHERENCE meaning they were all aligned
and spinning different ways, but after induction they all align ! This causes
a multiplicative effect in each atoms field strength and now instead of fight each other
in a sense become ONE and all support one another.
It is the COHERENCE that turns a piece of metal into a strong Magnet.
Now the same can also be said of Light, The light from normal bulb is incoherent
and scatters in random directions.
A 5 Watt bulb would be very dim.
But if we were to make COHERENT the light waves that are emmited.
Changing only its quality not its quantity or 5 Watts
we would then make a very very powerful laser and the beam would be so intense
it would burn you very easily.
Within MAN the same thing can occur, Man is made of multiple egos all fighting
for control, one says yes and next day decides no, one eats at night when the ego in the day diets, within man is endless amounts of contradictions, he is a peice of Iron and has no true direction, he simply goes from one ego to the next for filling that egos desires.
But A True Magician as the master has stated has his center of gravity locked in one place. Every thought word and deed he preforms comes from and goes back to his ONE center.
The process of Alchemy, the process of the sexual sublimations do to the man / woman what the electric felid does to the peice of Iron. And from it a new type of Human is born. One who has a great felid around him and ones whos thoughts are totally coherent with all of nature.
He may look the same as any man (his quantity) but his quality is totally different. And with his field he can unlock all of the secrets of nature.
All the multiple egos simply die / stop fighting and release their energy to be used by the higher collective being of the whole.
By having a Magnetic center (coherent psychological mass ) man becomes a Superman and gains qualities the normal humanoid (incoherent psychological mass) can not comprehend. altho he or she will look exactly the same as a person in the street.
Also if he is a true Master he will not display any evidence of his mastery at all apart from his humility and love.
He is a TRUE MAGICIAN in the highest sense and controls the forces of nature that surround him by his central and singular WILL.
But what IS Magnetism ? What are these Waves made out of? Waves of what??
We have stated ALL Is One and we have seen that Magnetism has the same properties as Light waves gaining strength / with coherency, but what is Light? and what is Magnetism ? And what is Electricity and what is Mass?
The Vitruvian Man The Engram Vortex mathematics
Each of these symbols veil a very sacred ART the complete MAN or solar system the incarnation of the TRUE BEING perfect coherency with THE ONE.
Light - Alchemically we can call light "Consciousness"
so please keep that in mind then when we talk of Light we talk of Consciousness at the same time.
Words of Ken Wheeler, Kens extensively detailed work can be found here
The fundamental nature of what humanity thinks light is, is rooted in nonsense.
"Light" does not exist exist as an "autonomous thing"
Light is a complex field modality,
A Coaxial circuit
A repeating toroidal pulse perturbation of electro magnetic waves at X frequency.
(perturbation = disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium)
From infrared to gamma.
Einstein made the mistake of giving SPACE "properties" (A thing that can act on another thing)
But Space is nothing but a "Shadow" and shadows do not effect things, Yes you can "get cold" in a shadow but that does not give it a property in and of itself. It is simply the privation / absence of Light.
Space is a posteria attribute / THE LOSS OF INERTIA which manifests in MAGNETISM
Magnetism is the ONLY THING which gives anything in the universe its VOLUME.
SPACE and TIME are therefore not "THINGS" with properties
TIME is only the measure of the passing of MAGNITUDES
SPACE is only the resultant posteria attribute of the release of INERTIA
All WAVES are perturbations in the Ether
A wave is what something does.
so imagine a man waving his hand at you, and call the man bob,
Bob is waving at you
so in our case BOB is the ether and the ether is waving. This Waving causes the phenomena of space, Light, electromagnetic and gravity mass, They are all simply different states of waving by bob / the ether.
Our words,
All kens words at first may seam hard to digest, If you cliked the link to his published works im sure you have already understood the depth of lexicon needed to explain what in fact is a VERY SIMPLE IDEA. Ken need to do this to be scientifically accurate to the minutest details. But we do not need this in depth understanding in the Alchemical work.
What wee need to take from it all is this.
Everything we know and can be known internally and externally is a motion or vibration in the ether or if you prefer Akasha, beyond that is unknowable and unmanifest. In kabbalah this is known as the AIN or absolute.
When the AIN or pure potential vibrates it emerges into dimensions known in Kabbalah as sephrot, But for now let us simply imagine sprit condensing slowly into matter. (Sprit - Being - Causal plane - Mental plane - Astral plane - Etheric plane - Physical plane )
But as the energy condenses the LAWS increase, creating denser forms, Just imagine the steam to ice analogy.
In the hindustani tradition this is also elaborated by the system known as Tatvas,
"The five TATTVAS are:
APAS - Water
However, without some impetus the Tattvas cannot unite. For that they require the participation of the Gunas, which are characterised by the following qualities:
RAJAS - activity, movement, restlessness, passion
TAMAS - rigidity ,laziness, darkness, ignorance
SATTVA - harmony ,light, purity, knowledge
Tattvas and Gunas are the primordial forces that have an effect on both the physical and astral planes. They influence all forms of life physically, psychically and spiritually from the beginning of their earthy existence to their end. Through the multi-layered combination of these powers the human body, with its highly complex organ, nerve and brain functions, comes into existence and the psyche and mind are formed."
in Kens system, it is stated like this.
Dielectricity is the fundamental Ether Modality of the entire cosmos.
(Our words, This would be to us FIRE)
All other waves / vibrations are a variation upon this foundation.
Magnetism is the ether in a state of Circular polarisation upon itself.
(Our words, This would be seen as the reflection or inverse of the dielectric, or our WATER)
Electricity is the ether in a state of dynamic polarisation.
(Our words, This would be seen as the mediator born from the fire and water interaction, Expansive and Contractive so this would be our AIR)
When these three felid modalities are combined they must "find" a termination, and no felid can terminate in "space" so the three modes terminate in "The Creation of Matter" this would be our Earth.
Kens words. Please study his book for detailed explanations of the following statements, But for the Alchemist a general understanding that may be gained intuitively with meditation will be of great use.
Mother nature only knows three pairs.
1 Spatial - Counter Spacial
2 Centrifugal - Centripetal
3 Charge - Discharge
Phi is to 1 as 1 is to Phi
Dielectricity is the fundamental ether modality of the entire cosmos.
Space and Time are NOT genuine entities ! They are conceptions and attributal abstractions.
Gravity - Electromagnetism - and Matter are ALL modalities of the Ether.
There are no "Negatively Charged" particles in the universe -
Negative Electricity Discharges (our words Female)
Positive Electricity Charges (our words Male)
They simply function in opposite manner and directions.
Electricity is the ether in a state of dynamic polarisation.
Magnetism is the ether in a state of Circular polarisation upon itself.
Spacetime is the conjugate hybrid interaction of Magnetism and Dielectricity and there mutual transformation into electric power / energy.
Frequency > gives rise to Energy > gives rise to Planks per second.
Magnetic fields and Electric fields are one and the same thing.
There are no such things as an "electric field vs a magnetic field vs a gravity field"
They are all just perturbative pressure modalities of the ether ( our words comparable to the tatvas )
Increasing inertia = Decreasing WORK - moment towards the Null pressure point / Dielectric voidance / rest
(our words this would be our WATER pole cold contracting force / feeling)
Decreasing inertia = Increasing WORK / Magnetic vectorization / increasing movement / activity
(our words - this would be our FIRE pole expansive / Wilful )
"The ether is always trying to terminate back to counterspace, its origin and fulcrum, it is only by reciprocation, movements and countless other phenomena that it is "kept"in space modality.
In saying counterspace we are talking about the ether itself. its principles its domain.
Space is a vector phenomena.
Counterspace is the fulcrum of phenomena and is the internal plane or membrane of the ether from which all phenomena manifest in space.
Conterspace is the NOMUNON which when disturbed gives rise to phenomenon.
Magnetism is purely RADIATIVE, it is the termination of electrification, "the end of the road" byprduct of Dielectricity.
Dielectricity comes before everything else in the 4 part scheme of FORCE UNIFICATION
Dielectricity and magnetism are the two CO - PRINCIPLES of the universe.
Dielectricity terminates into the creation of matter
The proton as found in HYDROGEN is magnetically dominant.
It is the polarized charging dynamo for its discharge plane of interatomic magneto dielectric Volume.
Our words - Meditate on some of these statements, they will reveal a lot if you have a scientific mind, And also a tremendous beauty, You will soon begin to see how everything is an expression of the ONE field. and how everyhing in nature has a certain amount of capacitance,
Blue / ultraviolet light has more capacitance than Red light. It can "HOLD MORE Energy" within its form this is also important to understand.
It is hard at first to fully grasp, as we have been told so many false concepts that we have to unlearn to see the Unity
If you are a more intuitive artistic person then we also recommend the meditation on this image. It is a depiction of the first Tarot card created by the great hermetisit Franz Bardon. For those that have the eyes to see you will find a picture truly does speak a thousand words.
Below you will find the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms expressed in a symbolic manner.
The female on the left side and the male on the right side are the plus (positive) and the minus (negative) in every human being.
In their middle is seen a hermaphrodite, a creature personifying the male and female combined in one as the sign of concinnity between the male and female principle
The electrical and magnetical fluids are shown in red and blue colors, electrical fluid being red, magnetical fluid blue.
The head region of the female is electrical, therefore red, the region of the genitals is magnetical, consequently blue. As for the male, it happens to be in inverted order.
Above the hermaphrodite there is a globe as a sign of the earth sphere, above which the magician is illustrated with the four elements.
Above the male, there are the active elements, that of the fire in red and the air element in blue color. Above the female there are the passive elements, the water element in green and the element of the earth in yellow color. The middle along the magician up to the globe is dark purple, representing the sign of the akasa principle
Above the magician's head, with an invisible ribbon for a crown, there is a gold-edged silvery white lotus flower as a sign of the divinity. In the inside there is the ruby red philosophers' stone symbolizing the quintessence of the whole hermetic science. On the right side in the background there is the sun, yellow like gold and on the left side we see the moon, silvery-white, expressing plus and minus in the macro- and microcosm, the electrical and magnetical fluids.
Above the lotus flower, Creation has been symbolized by a ball, in the interior of which are represented the procreative positive and negative forces which stand for the creating act of the universe.
The eternal, the infinite, the boundless, and the uncreated have been expressed symbolically by the word AUM and the dark purple to black color.